January 16, 2009

In the jungle...

... the mighty jungle, the lion sleep tonight!

Today's been an awfully confusing day. I guess it has been like any other in one day. There are certain things we do in which we just go through the motions; whether that be on a high or low note.

Tuesday Afternoon: Desperation - trying to complete a mini mailout of 46. Month long project from inception to finish. Needed it to be at the post office by 5pm.

Night: Delight - Average dinner but awesome drinks with a friend from high school on Chapel; explaining the difference betwee types of Gin and Martini variation, dry, shaken, stirred.

Wednesday afternoon: Frustration & Embarassment - medium level productivity at work, trying to prove that I am NOT incompetent at what I do.

Late Afternoon: Disenchanted - feeling morbidly obessed at my reflection in the ballet mirror. Not only had any technique I had been sapped by the 3 week break, but also the humidity. Note to self, once again, shape up.

Night: Joyful & Lively - Friend's going away drinks at MOO. Suprisingly fun. Though I wasn't expecting anything horrid, the night turned into something so much more than expected.

Today Morning 8am: Neutral, tired - but my mind jumps to getting ready. Need to be in the office early; IT support work.

8:45am: Annoyance - in the car and 'trying' to listen to my iPod, my father's voice in the background. Is he even taking breathes between sentences anymore?

9:30am: Royally PISSED OFF - The same feeling I get everytime, I leave that car regardless of duration. The same feeling I get when I am in the same room with those people pass a distinctive timeframe.

9:40am: Calm - The wind runs the red light. I waited as the Red Man flashed. No rush, deep breathes.

9:45am: Cheerful - The morning buzz at work is still live and kicking. Casual friday, I keep my iPod in my ears with the volumne turned down. People kid as they continue starring at their screens. Funny mass email from the OM [Executive Office Manager/ the "Office Mommy"] I move to my music as I booted up 3 computers simultaneously. I was headed for the kitchen, cereal and milk.

11am: Boredom and Frustration - the computer fails to comply to command prompts from DOS, ignoring standard procedures for setting up a user on a domain. Email configuration for new girl; rejected by outlook - over and over and over...

11:30am: Running Low - a girl in the office got bad news and left for the day. Everyone had crashed emotionally. It was obvious the positive energy this morning was merely an act for all.

1pm: Lacklustre & Hopelessness - the more I hear the less I wanted to know "If they saw a 'B' - they wouldn't even consider them. / But... / ...Yeah, but at the end of the day, grades are all they truly care about, they judge you purely at a monetary level"

2pm: Moss - how low can you go? The energy was truly gone. I stared at my spreadsheet. Question mismatch - 4 words.

3pm: Flatlining - I had finished a certain stage for the project. I wonder over to my superior for direction. "Do you want a break? / Ugggghhhhhhhhh...... / Yeah"

3:30pm: Proud - HA - Techno Boy; take that outlook, Testing 1, 2, Three / Reply Prompt test - Test, RAJW this is SimBA Essex on RARA 1126, testing, 1, 2, three.

3:45pm: Shutdown computer 2 and 3. Clearing desk and setting desk materials. We're ready for Bec2, Monday morning. Bec1 away all week.

4pm: Lighthearted

5:30pm: Shocked & fearful - Job insecurities and confusion.

7:15pm: Surprise - Whoa, nice! Who's is that? They looks familiar... time passes... why is the other shop assistant here? I want to talk to the first one; alone. Assistant number 2: "You drink beer? / yea..." Moments later: beer in hand!

8:30pm: Giggly - dinner with friends over Pho. Ahh, the simplisity

10:30pm: Cut - Lecture number 4.

Later; Stuff happens.