October 14, 2009

Emotional catatonia & façade

When it comes to certain aspects of my life, I know for one, I feel with the entirity of my heart. Its a part of who I am... It's not healthy.

Since yesterday; in the presence of others, I've already keeled over, my breathes are no longer shallow and my heartbeats are once again regualr.

It's emotional catatonia.

I feel hollow and empty, but I can function. Like so many other days, weeks and months, I've no doubt this too shall pass. And the idea of emotional façades is not a foreign concept to myself nor anyone - so I assume anyway. We fake a smile and we go through the motions. We hurt, and instinctively people take action, they try and assist in their own special way.

Does it ever truly reach us? Do we ever truly reach them? Maybe, maybe not...

At the end of the day people expect you to move on within a given timeframe. They have their own problems to deal with, and after a brief moment we must join them...


Amy said...

whoa, sounds like ur going thru a tough time... I know we haven't really gone beyond discussing makeup and what not but if u want to vent verbally, they say I'm a good listener :)