In many respect I am relieved, I am thankful. But now what?
Maybe its the way I live my life, but I've been told I try and plan too much, too often (to a neurotic extent). However, what I don't understand, is why there isn't more people doing the very same. If we don't plan, we're uncertain of the future - without that, we're living off impulses. Surely, the action under these senarioes are less tactful than those that are in some ways pre-empt.
Justifying my own actions, I don't try and plan every detail of my life. I simply ask a lot of questions to get as many perspectives on the matter as possible; what's wrong with that? Surely nothing - right?

But now, I'm stuck in this weird time warp in which I am not entirely sure how I should act or behave.
And frankly, I don't want to screw it up... I want to know... something, anything!
you have to hover your mouse near the right top side til u see the pointer become a hand... click and then the drop down menu appears lol
also, nothing wrong with planning...planning's the only way you can get to a desired location... kinda like if you get in the car you need to know where you are going or else you're just aimlessly driving around *shrugs*
never stop asking questions... thats when you stop learning :)
simon i haven't heard from for you for ages! and your blog confuses me more than updating me :P
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